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Man Killed By Turnip

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Add in the carrot and turnip I had on hand. Maybe a spoonful of hummus and a spritz of lemon juice. Good, but not done yet. The final key to happiness: cheese. UPDATE: Charlotte man killed.

  1. Man Killed By Turnip Salad
  2. Man Killed By Turnip Seeds
  3. Man Killed By Turnip Soup

I have often heard the claim by environmentalists that there has never been a documented attack on humans by wolves in North America. That claim is untrue as I will demonstrate. Wolf attacks on humans are rare as are attacks by mountain lions and bears, but they do occur. Somewhat more common are apparent “stalkings” by wolves, especially of children in rural areas (see the for incidents involving the Mexican Gray Wolf in New Mexico). Quite common, however, are incidents of predation by wolves on sheep and cattle.Documented wolf attacks on humans:I begin with Alaska Department of Fish & Game Technical Bulletin 13 (2002) entitled “.”That study was precipitated by a wolf attack on a 6-year-old boy near Icy Bay, Alaska, in April, 2000. The study documents 80 wolf-human “encounters.” “Thirty-nine cases contain elements of aggression among healthy wolves, 12 cases involve known or suspected rabid wolves, and 29 cases document fearless behavior among non-aggressive wolves. In 6 cases in which healthy wolves acted aggressively, the people were accompanied by dogs.

Aggressive, non rabid wolves bit people in 16 cases; none of those bites was life-threatening, but in 6 cases the bites were severe.”: PIERCE, Idaho – A North Idaho grandmother considers herself lucky to be alive after she was able to shoot and kill a wolf as it tried to attack her on a recent hunting trip.The wolf snuck up on Rene Anderson late last month near Headquarters, Idaho about 125 miles southeast of Spokane.“It was coming down pretty fast towards me; it was kind of nerve racking. I posted this comment to another forum, but thought it was applicable here too. This is the URL for the official report by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Wildlife Conservation, on the 32 year old teacher killed and partially consumed on March 8, 2010, near Chignik Lake, Alaska:What the Libs don’t want to hear they often pretend doesn’t exist. Wolves are skilled opportunistic predators, and in the history of mammalians on the Earth, primates (including hominids!) have been on the menu (as is true for all such carnivores). While the Libs are quick to claim there is.no evidence. that wolves have ever killed humans in North Amercia, as is often the case with such wholesale statements, reality says otherwise!

With more and more wolves repopulating heavily populated human habitats (like Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota, and now down here in southern Kentucky – ), it is only a matter of time and statistics before more episodes of predation by wolves on humans and other domestic stocks will start to appear. There needs to be realistic planning ON THE FRONT END on how to control a natural born predator in these types of regions, or else in a decade or two, it will be happening a lot more frequently. Wolves only know that when they are hungry, they need to eat.

Something needs to keep them wary of humans, and reinstating hunting (as Michigan just did) may be the best way to manage it with proper state wild life resource management and oversight. Wolves being fed by humans, either intentionally or otherwise, is called “habituation.”I’m a game hunter myself. I’m from the Ozarks, an historically isolated area in Missouri and Arkansas where wolves were considered predators as late as the 1930’s and extirpated from the region about that time. Though a lactating female may have been shot here in the upper White River valley in 1950, my great grandfather, a federally licensed bounty hunter, captured the last wolf documented trapped in Missouri, here in Taney County and I have a picture of it just prior to him killing it.It is a sub adult, black, its front paw in a trap, sitting regally in deep snow, almost resigned to its fate. The year was 1936. There isn’t a trace of anxiety on its face. That photograph has haunted me for six decades; in fact, I have a great aunt still living who use to accompany my great grandfather to run his traps.

At 96, I’m sure she is wore out from telling the stories.It doesn’t take a “Libtard” or “Contard” to understand that there is a place in the ecosystem for all creatures and that we do not render one absent without great loss to ourselves. Here in Missouri and Arkansas, these noble animals were slaughtered for their pelts and because of the depredation they worked on herds of spring lambs, litters of piglets, a young heifer or colt. I still know people who as children in the 1920’s slept in the family barn, shotgun ready to defend what might very well be what a family needed to survive through the coming winter. There is an undocumented case from the upheaval of the Civil War of a slave woman and her two children killed by a pack of wolves in our county.The writer, S.C.

Turnbo, collected a bundle of stories about wildlife in our region in the pioneer wilderness. It included horrendous tales of wolf slaughter; not just capturing and killing them with a clean shot but endless days of torture, flaying and burning alive, of bashing the brains of wolf pups out on tree trunks and boulders. Reading these accounts makes one wonder who the real culprit is in this very shaky and uneasy living arrangement between humans and wolves that dates back to documented Neolithic wolf hunts in the Stone Age more than 10-thousand years ago.Somewhere in all of this is a balance.

Wolves will stalk humans under the right circumstances. That much we know. They are curious by nature but shy and will usually avoid us, as both a matter of course and as a course on their dining table.

They can be domesticated in which case they make loyal companions; and they can be habituated in which case they are potentially very dangerous. As long as humans are doing their job, dangerous encounters between us and them are generally very rare as your own research attests. This basic rule regarding responsibility on the part of humans can equally be applied in all of interactions with things of the wild. Date September 25 it was 7:54 pm had one wolf walk with in 10 feet ofme while bear huntingfrom a ground blind behind Craig Lake state park in Baraga County in Michigan’s upper peninsula.


On the 27th while bear hunting same spot. The same wolf returned and two others came from behind while crouching through the under brush. Even as I stood up both wolves stood there ground and stared at me they were about 20 feet from me.

This was at 5 PM. I counted the ones I could see there were 4. All 4 followed me back to my truck that was about half a mile away. Made the hair on my neck stand up. Y’all are all acting like the idea of an apex predator attacking a human is ridiculous or something.

Of course, there are some attacks, but we have attacked and killed way more of them. Not to mention, they rarely kill a human. Wolves are far from overpopulated though. Seeing a wolf in the wild does not equate to them being overpopulated. If you go hunting in wolf territory, you are gonna see wolves at some point if you hunt enough. Wolves actually change the behavior of elk by introducing an element of predation fear, so the elk do not just stand around in the open as much anymore and are harder to find and hunt.

The elk are not being drastically depleted. They just behaving differently.The DNR’s surveys in Wisconsin for this year estimate a population between 746 to 771. That is not overpopulated, and they were actually just recently relisted as endangered due too much mortality from hunting. As for Yellowstone, they recently did a study on the wolves’ progress and impacts in Yellowstone. They have helped control the overpopulating elk numbers, increased biodivirsity in the region, reduced erosion on the riverbanks (by controlling how their prey move about Yellowstone), etc.

Their reintroduction to Yellowstone is considered a raving success story, and they increased the economy in the region because of all the visitors now going to just see the wolves. Since this article was written, the Wikipedia page for “Wolf Attacks in North America” has been dramatically expanded. There are two lists on that page. Both lists describe wolf attacks on humans in descending chronological order. The first list is fatal attacks. Sources include peer-reviewed papers, books written by senior biologists for the US Fish and Wildlife Service, history books and historical newspaper accounts. Before the 20th century, when wolves were abundant and particularly in the Great Lakes region during harsh winters, there were many fatal attacks on humans.

One attack very well documented by the base hospital records, occurred at Ft. Larned, KS when a rabid wolf ran through several buildings on the Army base and bit five or six people. One fatality from hydrophobia occurred a few days later. The other victims were treated and survived, but the fatal victim had a severely mangled finger and would not consent to amputating it. Scroll down past all the historic fatal attacks to find the list of non-fatal attacks. In recent years there are many in North America including attacks in the contiguous 48 states.

As an activist and advocate for animals, environment, freedom of rights for all, womens rights, and women fighting breast cancer, Lets deal w/ specific documented statistics. North America runs from the Yucatan in Mexico to the Arctic circle. Mexico, Canada, and Alaska are not the lower 48 of the United States. I have heard a few advocates make false claims and have generally tried to correct them. Before I list fatalities, there are several classes of attacks that werent mentioned. Agonized prey testing attack is when the wolf or predator charges youif you run, the chase schema sets in, you are prey. If you stand your ground, the charge is not carried through.

Agonized charge is the human provocationtoo close to a den, too close to a kill, throwing rocks at them, flailing your arms (like a deer flailing legs in a chase), Etc. There are captivity attacks in cages and on chains, there are habituated attacks caused by people feeding the animals, and there are rabid attacks. None of those are considered a wild wolf attack as people have caused them or rabies. In 195 years of records w/ documentation, 2 people in North America have been killed, 37 documented attacks of which 15 were habituation on the Alaska pipeline. Having been a construction worker myself for many years, am quite familiar w/ a construction worker’s compassion for all animals. Documentation is crucial, otherwise I could just accuse you of stealing my truck, convict you and send you to prison w/ out being able to defend yourself.

People lie, all the time, everyday. Animals dont. Nothing is written in stone and nothing in life is a guarantee. I have been around wolves a long time and in fact, still have 2 left in my home along w/ my cats. Just because I know them fairly well doesnt mean they cant surprise me. Wild animals, though complex, generally follow a similar pattern constantlythat doesnt insure every time forever. In 195 years, bears have killed in North America, 158 humans.

Poisonous snakes, 43, cougars, 24. Alligators, 9. Wolves and coyote each, 2. Wolves killed a teacher in Alaska and another person in Canada, neither in the lower 48. Coyotes killed 2 toddlers and were habituated by the parents of both infants. In 134 years, dogs have killed 874 humans. One of the offenders was 10 week old German Shepherdno details, I suspect falling to sleep over the face of an infant, but dont know that.

Cows kill 22 humans every year. Horses kill 20 people every year. Sheep cause fatal accidents for 11 people a year. Bottom line=if you were an insurance company, what would you rather have to pay out on, wolves, dogs, cows, what?

Last year in just the lower 48, there were 685,000 humans bit by pet dogs. Anyone can say anything and I hear a lot of that, not just from animal haters, but my own ranks as well. I dont care about your BS story, but when you abuse your position and instill fear mongering because you have manipulated facts to fit your profits, it does concern me. I notice you dont cover the Mojave Green rattlesnake in your state, a dangerous duel toxin having snake that very few survive the bite. I have had 2 near fatal conflicts involving their missed strikes and they are bit more aggressive than their other cousins save the Southern Pacific, another duel toxin snake. I dont fear monger them, but do tell people to give them a lot of respect and room.

They have a job too. All my facts can be found w/ USWLS, USDA, USDI, state DNRs, F&G or P&G. Az hasnt had an honest newspaper, radio station, or TV channel since before Goldwater. Neither has anyone else. You need to find those that just fell off the turnip truck to sell your wooden nickels to. I’m one of those far left radicals that has no use for those that think bullying a defenseless animal is right. Get sf jpgs on olympus.

Men that abuse animals abuse women and children and that is documented in FBI profiles and the new felony law that goes into effect Jan 1st. Because of what and who I am, I am compelled to walk what I talk and not misrepresent the wolf, or any animal. Wolves make their living on their feet and kill for a livingjust like a Creator designed them to do. Try suing Him and telling Him his plan and design suck and you can do it better. Good luck w/ that. I completely AGREE WITH AND UNDERSTAND how Frank Benjamin thinks! Animals that are wild should never be bred with domesticated pets!

All the “attacks” of wolves has been a wild wolf someone tried to domesticate or bred them into a wolf/dog hybrid. If these people who “loved wolves so much they had to have one” would’ve spent more time in educating themselves on how dangerous this is instead of spending upwards to a 1,000 they would have NEVER gotten one. Sure they are adorable as pups but, had they researched the animal at all, they would have learned that no matter how good you are to that animal, they are wild! You cannot breed that out of them. Then at around the age of 2yrs when they hit their maturity they start acting like the wild animals the are and because of some idiot not doing their research wolf/hybrids ending up attacking people which is direct result of their own stupidity. It’s like idiots buying cougars or tigers and try keeping them on a chain or penned up. Their are certain animals that should NOT BE KEPT AS pets.

I have Native American blood that runs through my veins and therefore because of teachings and lessons learned from my elders have taught me to love and respect all animals. Does that make me an expert on animal behavior, no. Though, I’m very well educated on wolves because I have always loved them.

As Frank has obviously having knowledge of mother nature’s creatures,knows his statistics on the documented cases of a full blooded healthy wolves attacking 2 people in America is absolutely correct. Mankind for some reason thinks they can destroy our earth and decimate animals to the point of extinction.

There is dwindling resources in the wild and it’s mankind’s fault. If a rancher wants to own 200 acres of land (which is quite ridiculous) and raise cattle on them, don’t blame wild animals because you loose a cow or two a year! You fence this land in and put up NO TRESPASSING signs. What do you think is going to happen?

You think after all the years of evolution wild animals are actually going SUDDENLY KNOW HOW TO READ THOSE “NO TRESPASSING SIGNS? ” So before you go and write a ridiculous article such as this I would like you to educate yourself a little bit more on the subject. Do you know what happens to 90% of these hybrids wolf/hybrid gets aggressive? They are taken to the middle of no where and dumped off (if they are not put down) And because of mankind’s greed to sell these animals they don’t have the fear of humans an actual wild wolf has!

Did you happen to do a necropsy (thats an animal autopsy Mr. Know it all) to find out if these attacks were done by a non hybrid wolf? Did you do one to find out if they were healthy or if they were sick? I highly doubt it.

And for the the people who all of a sudden become an animal expert how do you know it’s a wolf. Do you know how many dog breeds are out there that looks just like a wolf. At least 10 that I can think of and that’s NOT counting dogs that are mixed! Here’s an idea, LETS ALL GET A SHOTGUN AND ERADICATE ALL THE ANIMALS ON LIFE! Do you even know how many species of animals that are extinct because of people ignorance and greed?

The canis lupus ( that is the scientific name for a grey wolf Mr. Know it all) was almost drove to extinction already once! If it wasn’t for people who care more about wildlife then they do money they would be extinct! They were classified as endangered species for decades. Do you know why the bionic plague was such and epidemic? Because ignorant people thought the dogs and cats were causing it so they ordered everyone to kill their dog or cat.

When in actuality is was caused by rodents and mice. The dogs and cats were actually helping the pandemic. When they eradicated all the dogs and cats that were killing the mice and rats then it became an epidemic!

See that’s the kind of thing that happens when uneducated paranoid people decide to eradicate a species. When you take predators and drive them to extinction the animals they prey on become OVERPOPULATED! Thank you Frank Benjamin for helping to educate whatever idiot wrote this article!. Good god people get a grip. In 2 hundred years 2 semi documented cases of predatory wolf attacks on humans, 1 of which the wolves were conditioned to associate people with food and you’re getting excited? People are vastly more likely to be attacked by their own domesticated pets then wolves. A big game hunter who resents wolves killing what he wants to kill for fun?

Here in Michigan we have both wolves and white tail deer in numbers so you great you can’t avoid them, yet people are worried about a few wolves?. In the last three hundred years, there were many deaths by wolves together in America, Europe and Russia; there were thousands documented. In recent decades there were only a few deaths. These are undeniable facts.So wolves are dangerous and really do kill people, let’s be fair.In the time of our (great) grandfathers, wolves could be found almost everywhere in the country, exept for the urbanized spaces. Therefore, the threat of being killed by wolves was real and wolves were hunted down massively. For a very good reason, I believe.Nowdays, things are completely different.

Almost without any exeptions, wolves only live in remote forrests. Wolves don’t live amongst us anymore. We (hunters and hikers) go to their place and, more or less, look them up for a visit.So you only run across to wolves when you actually want to (take that risk).People need to be protected as much as possible against threats which they cannot avoid. The threat of being killed by wolves, on the other hand, can easily be avoided.In my opinion, the gouvernment should keep a close look on the spreading of the wolves in stead of taking others dramatic measures.

Fitting end credited to the incomprehensible backwards logic of a liberal wolf activism.Our ancestors lived in this thing called “reality” where you eliminate the things that are trying to kill you, not propagate their “rights”.I spent a year in Vladivostok Russia and traveled to many different towns. The wolf population is high in that part of Russia. I spoke with many MANY people who have had dangerous wolf encounters. They largely lived in fear and carried rifles for even simple tasks like taking out the garbage.

It was just their way of life. Is this what you want life to be like in your cushy suburb you liberal idiots?Do you think there is a reason your body has a physical response to a wolf howl? Do you think that maybe, just maybe, there was a reason we killed them off in the first place?Is there any advantage to humans WHATSOEVER by exploding the wolf population?Now to the reason this is personal. I live in South Utah. Faaaaar away from yellow stone. About 3 years ago I was out camping with a friend.

In the middle of the night we both shot out of our sleeping bags and straight into the truck when we heard a wolf howl about a mile away. No, it wasn’t a coyote. We spent the rest of the night in the truck and in the morning we strapped up with guns and headed towards where we heard the howl. Not even 100 yards from our tent we found a wolf print. Yes, an honest to god wolf print, bigger than my hand, in the bank of a creekbed. Not a bear print and not a really big coyote.We reported the incident to the Utah department of fish and wildlife and 1 year later, they confirmed that wolves have migrated down to southern Utah from Yellowstone.Yes I have had face to face encounters with both bears and cougars in the mountains before, and they have been nerve wracking, but nothing comes close to that night. It isn’t some hypothetical issue in some far off place.

With the ridiculous anti human policies that are constantly being pushed by oblivious leftists, encounters and near misses like this are coming to a campground near you.Fkn idiots. What big babies.

Man Killed By Turnip Salad


A wolf print? And you and your friend had seizures? You don’t belong in the wild. You don’t even belongin the local park.Some of the responses are pure comedy – hair standing on neck – get the f outta here!I feel privileged to see a wolf. I feel blessed to see what morons with guns have tried to exterminate. And I like guns! Just so many idiots with them.For all those filling their pants over hearing a wolf howl check out Doug Peacock.

He’s a ex Green Beret combat medic who did 3 tours in Nam. He lived with brown bears (aka Grizzlies) with no gun, no spray. I would strongly advise people to read Marley Fowat’s book ” Never Cry Wolf” before you judge the alleged hostility of wolves. The simple fact is that wolves are more terrified of man that man is of wolves. The only time a wolf will attack a human being is it feels threatened, it is protecting its pups or if it’s extremely hungry.

Man Killed By Turnip

Man Killed By Turnip Seeds

I’ve spent a lot of time camping and hiking in isolated areas, I’ve seen wolves and mountain lions (some within thirty feet of me) with no incident. These are animalsNOT monsters and humans must realize this. If you intrude into the wilds, you must respect the animals living thereit’s their territory and life in the wilds plays by thier rules! You want to be safe and free from worry, don’t go there. @Bill WeedonMarley Fowat’s book is fiction for Christ’s sake! You don’t know that?

Man Killed By Turnip Soup

Wolves have attacked people for centuries. No one is saying they are monsters. They are apex predators that can be dangerous.

Anyone denying that doesn’t know what they are talking about. How about Candice Berner? Do you think she was picking on the wolves or something? Her problem was that she listened to people like you that claim wolves are not dangerous.Read this for a list of North American wolf attacks. There were many.

Of course you will say they are not true.That doesn’t count the thousands of people that have been killed by wolves in Europe and Asia over the years.